What is the delivery time?

We offer free shipping worldwide!

Average transit times:

  • World: 7 to 15 days

We are committed to providing the best shipping experience possible, constantly seeking ways to expedite deliveries. However, there are circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, holidays, adverse weather conditions, and unforeseen events, that may result in shipping delays. While most packages arrive within the estimated timeframe, occasional delays and problems faced by our carriers may occur. Although we cannot guarantee exact delivery dates, we take full responsibility for investigating any delays or issues, and we will diligently work to minimize any inconvenience caused. Your satisfaction is our priority.

I just placed an order, when will it be shipped?

Please allow 24 to 48 hours for processing and shipping of your order.

Will I receive a tracking number?

We provide tracking for each order. The tracking number will be available as soon as the product is dispatched. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 to 48 hours after placing the order. Track the status of your order on our website [here], or for more detailed tracking information,

Can I cancel my order or edit my shipping address?

Yes, it is possible, but there is a small window of opportunity of 6 hours to cancel or adjust an order before it is dispatched. To request cancellation, please send an email to, including all the order information such as number, full name, and email. Outside of these conditions, we will not be able to accommodate your request.

For any further questions, please contact us via email or contact form